Gavriela Maxime Ze'eva Person
aka Amy Lynne Akins
Artist, writer, activist, daughter, sister, and friend.

"Whenever you feel isolated, you can call to us and we will hear. Use your breath, your precious life, and change the world's ways for all of us. Know we were loved by at least one silent heart. Be strong, and love each other,and the world will surely change."

Tell her and the world how you feel, as she would have wanted.
Sign Her Memorial Guestbook
Read how others feel.

Read Her Memorial Guestbook

GAVI's Links

The Bastard Nation logo, designed by Gavi


Psycho-adoptees and Ubermunchkin

Gallery of Legendary Adoptees

Bastard in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity

Bastard Cheers

AAC San Diego conference 1996 (pics)

Variations on the Primal Wound

AAC Dallas conference 1997 - photo

Mari Steed's Tribute to Gavi

